2011-2022 Healthcare Management Solutions
Director of Quality and Clinical Practice
2006-2011 Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW)
Regulation Manager
2003-2006 Health Commission Wales
Clinical Governance Manager
2001-2003 Specialised Health Service
Commission for Wales (SHSCW)
All Wales Forensic Case Manager
2000-2001 Carmarthenshire Local Health Group
Clinical Support Manager
1984-2000 Pembrokeshire and Derwen NHS Trust
Registered Nurse
Development of market leading impact audit tool for quality monitoring and consultancy reviews of care services.
Registration, inspection and enforcement of Welsh private mental health and learning disability hospitals for HIW.
Project managed implementation of registration and inspection of private dentistry in Wales.
Wales for Africa secondment to Salem Brotherhood Uganda to provide quality and governance support to NGO hospital.
Selected for Nurse Leadership Programme with NHS Staff College Wales as potential future nurse leader.
Led devolution of continuing health care funding from Dyfed Powys Health Authority to Local Health Groups.
Case managed all Welsh patients in high and medium secure services for SHSCW.